02d: 17h:06m
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02d: 17h:06m
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Finance Associate


$85K+/Year In Tech Sales


3 Weeks

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The fact that there's a dedicated resume coach to help you with your resume as part of the course pays for itself. The way the course is structured, they've really made sure that there's support for every important piece of the puzzle.

The fact that there's a dedicated resume coach to help you with your resume as part of the course pays for itself. The way the course is structured, they've really made sure that there's support for every important piece of the puzzle.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

My background is in Finance but had always wanted to get into Tech in some way shape or form. I had tried to go the software development route, had tried coding bootcamps, and all sorts of other things in attempts at making that leap but it wasn't working. I had looked into Udemy courses, CourseCareers, and a lot of other types of training out there but nothing really resonated with me more than Higher Levels. It seemed that there was an actual process in place here, not just closing your eyes and hoping and praying that something would happen.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The resume part in particular was extremely helpful. Having Ryan there to help out and "de-complicate" my resume was much needed. I think that gave me the push I needed to confidently go out and reach out to the right people. But ultimately the entire course was helpful in each its own way in the end. The way you guys structured it, you really made sure that there's support there for every important piece of the puzzle.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

It's easy to get down in the job market right now, but companies are looking for fresh perspective. They're looking for people to come in with a different type of energy, and that's exactly what Higher Levels delivers on and why it has produced so many success stories. Tech sales is also very unique in the way that a lot of companies are actually looking for people with LESS experience in sales so that they can mold them and not have bias when they start their new role. But all-in-all, I highly recommend Higher Levels. It was an awesome experience.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

My background is in Finance but had always wanted to get into Tech in some way shape or form. I had tried to go the software development route, had tried coding bootcamps, and all sorts of other things in attempts at making that leap but it wasn't working. I had looked into Udemy courses, CourseCareers, and a lot of other types of training out there but nothing really resonated with me more than Higher Levels. It seemed that there was an actual process in place here, not just closing your eyes and hoping and praying that something would happen.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The resume part in particular was extremely helpful. Having Ryan there to help out and "de-complicate" my resume was much needed. I think that gave me the push I needed to confidently go out and reach out to the right people. But ultimately the entire course was helpful in each its own way in the end. The way you guys structured it, you really made sure that there's support there for every important piece of the puzzle.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

It's easy to get down in the job market right now, but companies are looking for fresh perspective. They're looking for people to come in with a different type of energy, and that's exactly what Higher Levels delivers on and why it has produced so many success stories. Tech sales is also very unique in the way that a lot of companies are actually looking for people with LESS experience in sales so that they can mold them and not have bias when they start their new role. But all-in-all, I highly recommend Higher Levels. It was an awesome experience.

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