02d: 17h:06m
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02d: 17h:06m
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Home Improvement


$80K+/Year at Owner.com


3 Weeks

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Higher Levels takes an entirely different approach which really helps us shine through as candidates. Thank you guys for helping me make this transition at a company of Owner's caliber. I can't recommend this community enough.

Higher Levels takes an entirely different approach which really helps us shine through as candidates. Thank you guys for helping me make this transition at a company of Owner's caliber. I can't recommend this community enough.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I didn't have any formal experience or certifications. I had only done a tiny bit of college before I decided to go into home improvement. Did that for a while, then funny enough I had an appointment on site with a home owner who was in tech sales. That's when I realized what the opportunities were like in this career. I started doing research and found Higher Levels. it was a no-brainer to join after seeing how many success stories there had already been.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The cold outreach part was really transformative. You guys take on an entirely different approach which really helps us shine through as candidates. I can't even imagine how long it would have taken me to figure that stuff out on my own - if ever. On top of that, I also took advantage of the Q&As and the coaching. That support system was immensely helpful.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

If you have any passion for sales, then I definitely think tech sales would be a great fit for you. As for Ascension, I can't recommend it enough. It was thanks to you guys that I was able to land at a company of this caliber so quickly, and I'm super grateful to you and the rest of the community.

What made you join Tech Sales Ascension?

I didn't have any formal experience or certifications. I had only done a tiny bit of college before I decided to go into home improvement. Did that for a while, then funny enough I had an appointment on site with a home owner who was in tech sales. That's when I realized what the opportunities were like in this career. I started doing research and found Higher Levels. it was a no-brainer to join after seeing how many success stories there had already been.

What was the most valuable part of the program to you?

The cold outreach part was really transformative. You guys take on an entirely different approach which really helps us shine through as candidates. I can't even imagine how long it would have taken me to figure that stuff out on my own - if ever. On top of that, I also took advantage of the Q&As and the coaching. That support system was immensely helpful.

What advice do you have for someone considering Tech Sales or Ascension?

If you have any passion for sales, then I definitely think tech sales would be a great fit for you. As for Ascension, I can't recommend it enough. It was thanks to you guys that I was able to land at a company of this caliber so quickly, and I'm super grateful to you and the rest of the community.

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Not sure if tech sales is right for you? Take our free mini-tech sales course to understand more about the industry, the career path, and tips on how to break in!

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